Finding your voice

A friend recently told me that she'd gone to see a vocal therapist because she was unhappy that her voice lacked stature. In certain social contexts, it would rise and turn to a squeak. She was nervous - and her voice showed it. 


If your voice reflects your emotions, then what does that say about the nature of voice? Is it a vehicle for emotional communication? Or is it, itself, an emotion? 

Some people think speech is a left-brain thing, while singing is right brain; it's why people like Carly Simon can sing fine, but stutters when she talks. 

I find this topic so interesting because a long time ago, I lost my singing voice because of an emotional problem. From a potentially professional singer - to silent, overnight. It was like being cut from the root. It took me ten years to connect and heal.

Ten years without a note.

The best word for it was agony. You'll hear a lot of artists use that word when they are separated from their art. It was agony. 

Luckily, I healed, but I wonder what it was about voice that meant that of all the things I lost, the vocal loss was so final. Not a note for ten years. Hmmm.